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  • mostajab's avatar
    + Untabifying the datacontainerinspectorcanvas.cpp and datacontainerinspectorcanvas.h · 22e94059
    mostajab authored
    + Moving the geomteryshader vertex and fragment shader to application folder as they belong to it.
    + Removing unndeeded shader code.
    + Opening braces convention is considered for datacontainerinspectorcanvas.cpp and datacontainerinspectorcanvas.h  also.
    + Reusing textues for color and depth buffers instead of creating and deleting them.
    + adding gettrackball function to trackball event handler.
    + modifying resetcontent, mouse events in datacontainerinspectorcanvas class
    + using one depth buffer for datacontainerinspectorcanvas instead of one for every color buffer
    + using one frame buffer for whole datacontainerinspectorcanvas instead of one for every frame