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  • David Frank's avatar
    Add convenience Makefile · 14fe7ad3
    David Frank authored
    The Makefile is just a convenience to more easily build elsa.
    To build all of elsa, just call `make build` from the top level
    directory. You can also pass any target to build, to specifically build
    this target, e.g. `make build test_DataContainer`.
    Other useful commands could `make tests`, to build and run all tests.
    `make test <test-name>` to build a specific test case and run it.
    And `make watch <test-name>` to build and run a test continuously on
    code changes in elsa.
    Note that a sub-folder structure will be created of the form
    `build/$BUILD_TYPE/$COMPILER`. This enables quick iteration for
    different build types and compilers, via passing the options
    `BUILD_TYPE` and `CXX`.