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  • Marion Goedel's avatar
    Added two new processor: · 8028c523
    Marion Goedel authored
    - PedestrianOverlapDistProcessor
      Saves for each pedestrian in each timestep the size of the overlap. That is the difference between the radii of the pedestrians and the distance between their centers. The processors works only if all pedestrians in the simulation have the same radius!
    - MaxOverlapProcessor
      Saves the maximum overlap for one simulation. As explained above, the overlap is 2*pedRadius - norm(ped_pos_i - ped_pos_j). Again, this processor only works if all pedestrians in the simulation have the same radius.
    Both processors are especially useful for analyzing the number and sizes of overlaps occuring in the simulation. Both processors were tested with a Matlab script but there are no JUnit tests yet.