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  • Schuhbaeck, Stefan's avatar
    python based TraCI client for vadere. · 34729e0f
    Schuhbaeck, Stefan authored
    main author hm-schuegra
    [misc] apply styleguide to VadereManager module
    [misc] autopep
    [pythontraciwrapper] Added second start method to Py4jClient
    [pythontraciwrapper] Adding PythonTraCIWrapper to tools with git subtree
    [pythontraciwrapper] Extending pythontraciwrapper
    [pythontraciwrapper] Implemented _polygonapi_wrapper
    [pythontraciwrapper] Implemented a basic py4j client
    [pythontraciwrapper] Implemented pytraci controll commands
    [pythontraciwrapper] Improving py4j client
    [pythontraciwrapper] Move Py4jClient to pythontraciwrapper
    [pythontraciwrapper] Removing PythonTraCIWrapper from tools
    [pythontraciwrapper] Skeleton py4j TraCI Wrapper
    [pythontraciwrapper] apply code formatting
    [pythontraciwrapper] set version to 0.2
    [pythontraciwrapper] use list in subprocess instead of string. fix for
    [TraCI] Adapt new createNew such that it uses the type of the peds in
    the simulation when reading the minimal attributes from JSON
    [TraCI] Add new start method to client to access sendFileFromPath via
    the Py4j wrapper
    [TraCI] Add processors to scenario
    [TraCI] Added scenarios for ReinforcementLearning
    [TraCI] Allow multiple py4j clients to interact with vadere via traci,
    each client having its own manager
    [TraCI] Annotated some methods of polygonapi
    [TraCI] Automated start of manager and entrypoint in Py4jClient just for
    [TraCI] Extending personapi on python side
    [TraCI] Find explanation for redundant command identifier byte in
    [TraCI] Fix bug in createTargetChanger builder
    [TraCI] Fix bug in poly.getIDList
    [TraCI] Fix getVersion bug
    [TraCI] Fix tests
    [TraCI] Implement more tests
    [TraCI] Implement pers.getMaximumSpeed
    [TraCI] Implement pers.getVelocity
    [TraCI] Implement poly.getTopographyBounds # Conflicts: #
    [TraCI] Implement some tests for setters, extend tests for getters by
    one check
    [TraCI] Implemented createWaitingArea for traci, Example command from
    TestClient sim.createWaitingArea 6 0.0 3.0 1 0.5 10.0 6.0 3.0 8.0 3.0
    8.0 0.5 6.0 0.5
    [TraCI] Implemented getSimTime for python wrapper
    [TraCI] Implemented getter and setter for nextTargetListIndex to make a
    workaround Issue #285 of possible
    [TraCI] Implemented getter for hasNextTarget
    [TraCI] Implemented poly.getCentroid, implemented poly.getDistance with
    a workaround
    [TraCI] Implemented py4j-wrapper for getter and setter of
    [TraCI] Implemented setStimulusInfo, removed add/remove WaitingArea
    [TraCI] Implemented some methods of traci polygonapi
    [TraCI] Implemented some tests
    [TraCI] Integrated VadereAPI
    [TraCI] Kill entrypoint process when python program terminates with
    [TraCI] Made py4j_client take either the parsed args or the raw args
    from the command line from the instantiator.
    [TraCI] Make createTargetChanger take json
    [TraCI] Make sendFile more flexible
    [TraCI] Make sendFileFromPath public to make API more flexible
    [TraCI] Make test for process_getCacheHash platform independent
    [TraCI] Move argParsing to py4j_client in the pythontraciwrapper
    [TraCI] Parameterised port of TraCIEntryPoint
    [TraCI] Refactor tests, implement new tests
    [TraCI] Refactored poly.getDistance
    [TraCI] Refactoring
    [TraCI] Refactoring & fixing a bug in client-side of removeTargetChanger
    and removeWaitingArea
    [TraCI] Refactoring VadereApi
    [TraCI] Removed hard-coded path and port number, inserted a check into
    test of process_getCacheHash
    [TraCI] Removed hard-coded paths from TraCIEntryPoint
    [TraCI] Resolving some problems in the python interface
    [TraCI] Test process_getCacheHash
    [TraCI] WIP reimplementing Polygon Api
    [TraCI] Workaround for ctr.getVersion bug
    [TraCI] Working on traci controll commands for python client
    [TraCI] add generic Json compound object
    [TraCI] create and add TargetChangerController process_addTargetChanger
    [TraCI] wrote test for getAllStimulusInfos
    [ReinforcementLearning] Adding scenarios with small crowd
    [ReinforcementLearning] Increase number of targets.
    [ReinforcementLearning]Add scenario as demo and test case for
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