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  • Daniel Lehmberg's avatar
    Squashed 'Tools/SUQController/' changes from f75af9422..2bcc6f3ee · 974b435a
    Daniel Lehmberg authored
    2bcc6f3ee Merge branch 'omnet_add_on_final' into 'master'
    ca96ef284 Merge branch 'master' into omnet_add_on_final
    34d78229e minor changes
    42f00a252 minor changes (pyDOE not global dependency)
    980041184 minor changes
    2ef30133c corrected vadere server name
    5666a686b add vadere server id
    db95e7a4e moved file to repo Forschung
    1781dbeb3 social dist calibration
    99a919b35 refactored
    83d944bd7 moved util function into rover class CoupledDictVariation
    66bac6af3 read data for succesfull sim runs
    3ff758a1a refactored
    45d5b59d0 use vadere default seed instead of seed "42"
    17dd13cfe get enviromenment_manager info
    933181b19 create subset of simulations
    108747469 set seeds with omnet ini file
    b1c5bee19 only copy folder structure and xml files
    ef848d982 use nlevels
    08df62298 added some explanations
    c3b4d6bc3 Merge branch 'onnet_add_on3' into omnet_add_on_final
    639822bc8 Auto stash before merge of "omnet_add_on_final" and "origin/omnet_add_on_final"
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