Future foot steps in (new) PedestrianPositionProcessor
@BZoennchen @hm-kleinmei
There seems to be an issue with syncing FootStep events and simulation time in "OSM+Events" and "BHM".
For tests that currently fail, see https://gitlab.lrz.de/vadere/vadere/-/jobs/612770) with branch !83 (merged) : In the new way to interpolate the agent position exceptions like these occur:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested time 0.4 outside of FootSteps [start=0.955911741965755, end=1.5118234839315101] time (no extrapolation!).
This means: the simulation state has a time (in seconds) of 0.4 (i.e. when the data processor collects data), but the pedestrian has already a future foot step with starting time 0.95 and end time at 1.51. I suspect that also a "getPosition()" (old way and not interpolating positions) would get such a future position (i.e. wrong for time 0.4) of the agent?
On the branch:
- in
double simTime = state.getSimTimeInSec();
for (Pedestrian pedestrian : pedestrians){
VPoint interpolatedPoint = pedestrian.getInterpolatedFootStepPosition(simTime);
this.putValue(new TimestepPedestrianIdKey(timeStep, pedestrian.getId()), interpolatedPoint);
- in
public VPoint getInterpolatedFootStepPosition(double time){
if(currentFootStep == null){
return getPosition();
if(time > currentFootStep.getEndTime()){
// This happens for example if a pedestrian is waiting (see Events)
// TODO: check with Bene K. if this is okay, or a better way?
return currentFootStep.getEnd();
return FootStep.interpolateFootStep(currentFootStep, time);
- in
where error is raised:
if(startTime > time || endTime < time){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested time " + time + " outside of FootSteps [start=" + startTime +
", end=" + endTime + "] time (no extrapolation!).");