WIP: MetaSeed implementation
First draft for MetaSeed issue #206 (closed)
finalize interface definition -
extensive unit tests -
integrate in VadereContext for simple usage throughout the simulation. (This will mitigate the passing of Random Object down a call tree) -
finalize the metaSeed list -
ensure new pedestrians will always receive a larger id than any previously id (even if that id no longer exists.)
metaSeeds.put(Source.class.getCanonicalName(), new VadereMetaSeed(random.nextLong()));
metaSeeds.put(Target.class.getCanonicalName(), new VadereMetaSeed(random.nextLong()));
metaSeeds.put(TargetChanger.class.getCanonicalName(), new VadereMetaSeed(random.nextLong()));
metaSeeds.put(MeasurementArea.class.getCanonicalName(), new VadereMetaSeed(random.nextLong()));
metaSeeds.put(Pedestrian.class.getCanonicalName(), new VadereMetaSeed(random.nextLong()));
metaSeeds.put("misc", new VadereMetaSeed(random.nextLong()));
metaSeeds.put("traci", new VadereMetaSeed(random.nextLong()));
@BZoennchen @hm-lehmberg @hm-kleinmei @hm-mgoedel feel free to add ToDos or additional MetaSeeds.
Edited by Schuhbaeck, Stefan