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Other labels 9

  • statusdoing
    tum-cps / Timor Python
    Someone is currently working on this issue
  • statusdone
    tum-cps / Timor Python
    An issue that was resolved and can be closed
  • statuspending
    tum-cps / Timor Python
    The issue is reported but not yet picked up
  • statuswontfix
    tum-cps / Timor Python
    This issue is known and will not be fixed
  • typebug
    tum-cps / Timor Python
    Report faulty behavior.
  • typediscussion
    tum-cps / Timor Python
    Start an open-ended discussion about features of this library
  • typedocumentation
    tum-cps / Timor Python
    Everything regarding not the code but the project documentation, esp. clarity and completeness
  • typeenhancement
    tum-cps / Timor Python
    Propose a change/new feature to improve this libary
  • typequestion
    tum-cps / Timor Python
    Pose a question that should be answered by the community