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CPP IK for Timor

Matthias Mayer requested to merge dev/ik_cpp into main

Implement a Jacobian inverse based numerical IK for timor implemented with Pinocchio in CPP.


Freaking fast; for reference, the current test case runs about 50x faster than the same in Python (find random, self-collision-free IK within joint limits) with +/- same success rate. Output:

C++ Failed 14 times out of 1000 iterations
C++ Average time 0.0011139421180000474 +/- 0.002108966273794128
Python Failed 25 times out of 1000 iterations
Python Average time 0.05468771997999997 +/- 0.07759612371141704


  • Jacobian-based IK
  • Restart on self-collision
  • Restart on out of joint limits
  • Integration into outer IK loop of timor.PinRobot


  • Longer pip install time as C++ code needs time to compile (< 1 min)
  • No need for extra apt-get dependencies (eigen3 installed via PyPI; C++ compiler s.a. gcc/++ should be installed by default together with python3 and python3-pip)
  • Vectorized self-collision check (50% faster than Python side)
  • Test effect on pypi via to ensure that install from pypi is not hurt by C++ code
Edited by Jonathan Külz

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