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Adds more projections to transformation and moves random homogeneous to transformation class

Jonathan Külz requested to merge dev/projection_enhancements into main


  • from_roto_translation (cannot remember where, but we had that at some point -- didn't find it though)
  • roto_translation_vector, frequently needed for learning applications
  • random transformation
  • a shortcut for the "alternative" axis angles representation with only 3 elements

omits: Quaternions. I was thinking about them, but so far we didn't need them and I dislike the fact that they bring in ambiguity (e.g. is it [i, j, k, w] or [w, i, j, k]). Would be open to include them if there was a de facto standard in robotics, but afaik, even within the domain there are different approaches.

Merge request reports
