Vadere 1.12 with targetChanger probability list
**A) Past: Version <= Vadere 1.11: ** A target changer contains
- a list of nextTargets (1)
- a scalar value probabilityToChangeTarget (2)
(2) is used to decide whether the nextTarget list should replace the current target list of an agent or not.
**B) Now: Version >= Vadere 1.12: ** A target changer contains
- a list of nextTargets (1)
- a list of probabilityToChangeTarget (2*)
If the list (2*) contains a single value, the same behavior like in (A) is achieved.
Example nextTarget : [2,34,7] probabilityToChangeTarget : [0.7]
B) offers a new functionality: If the list (2*) contains multiple values, each probability value refers to the corresponding element in the nextTarget list.
In this case: We do not check whether the complete nextTarget list should replace the current target list.
Instead, we check for each element of the nextTarget list, whether it should replace the current target list.
nextTarget : [2,34,7]
probabilityToChangeTarget: [0.7,0.5,1.0]
In this example the possible solutions are:
[] => keep old target list
[2,34,7], [34,7], [2,7], [7] => replaces old target list