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TraCI and Cache handling update

Schuhbaeck, Stefan requested to merge test_client_stsc into master


  • TraCI commands:
    • getHash: return Scenario hash for given scenario
    • CompoundObject implementation to allow complex get/set commands (i.e. create pedestrian hat random location during simulation run)
  • osm2vadere converter:
    • it is possible to specify a way with the tag area-of-intrest (AOI). If this is present and the corresponding command line argument is given, only elements within the bounding box of the AOI will be converted.
  • Add INET environment export:
    • create an INET environment xml file based on the current topography. For now only prism shapes are possible with a fixed height of 5m.
  • vadere-console utils subCommand:
    • A miscellaneous collector of simple function operating on a single scenario file.
    • -f (input [required])
    • -o (ouput file or directory depending on method m [optional])
    • -m (name of method.) See subparser help for allowed functions.
    • currently implementd:
      • getHash: Hash value of given scenario. (-o option ignored)
      • binCache: calculate binary cache (-o must be a directory. If missing it will be created)
      • txtCache: calculate text based cache (-o must be a directory. If missing it will be created)


  • CachePath lookup: The new cache lookup now allows a 'global' lookup. Previously all cache files are saved in a __cache__ folder relative (as sibling) to the currently running scenario file. This works good for local testing and runs. However, if one scenario is duplicated and integrated in other projects the same cache would be created at multiple locations. The current solution would be to enter an absolute path as the cacheDir but this will break interoperatbility between windows and linux as well as sharing scenario files with other users. CacheDir Lookup order:
    1. cacheDir is an absolute path: Use it; and log the path to console.
    2. cacheDir is relative and Vadere.cache.useGlobalCacheBaseDir=false (default): save cache in a __cache__ folder relative (as sibling) to the currently running scenario file
    3. cacheDir is relative and Vadere.cache.useGlobalCacheBaseDir=true: Lookup Vadere.cache.flobalCacheBaseDir and use this as the base path for the relative cacheDir path. Vadere.cache.flobalCacheBaseDir defaults to ${user.home}\.cache\vadere

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