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  • David Frank's avatar
    Update docker images to new versions of Ubuntu, oneDNN, CMake, CUDA; · 5c29df71
    David Frank authored and Tobias Lasser's avatar Tobias Lasser committed
    restructured Docerfiles
    - Bump CMake to 3.18.2
    - Bump oneDNN to 1.6.2
    - Bump to Ubuntu 20.04
    - Seperate images for clang-format, clang-tidy, coverage, Cuda build
      with clang, gcc and clang with python bindings
    - Dockerfiles for clang and gcc rely on the package manager for the
    - Updated test scripts, they test more and should error our earlier
    - Nightly docker job created
    - Docker build script updated
    - Include CI job, to build docker images on changes
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